Other String Making Tutorials


This is a fantastic illustrated article written by the master archer George Ryals (AKA The GRIV) on ArcheryLive.com

Making your own strings
It is easier than you think!



Here is a pictorial tutorial on ArcheryTalk.com showing how to make a split yoke cable



If you were wondering if you could do it your self well here is a pictorial tutorial of a 9 year old making a string on ArcheryTalk.com.



A detailed Pictorial tutorial found on Huntingnet.com for wrapping serving and doing the whip stitch



Here is another string making pictorial\tutorial



Other You Tube Videos for making a string jig produced by Archerytalk.com user Munch! These are solid Videos!

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYNLq8VvkAU
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOofv4Q5NL8&feature=related
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqEMe5542Q0&feature=related
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lssFGXqtEs&feature=related


A thread with a lot of info and pictures called the comprehensive String builders tutorial



This is an excellent video showing how to build a pinstripe video.
